Zine Making 101
This year, FLOC is again offering elective workshop units to our Middle School Scholars Program. These electives are designed to introduce students to a variety of topics in new ways.
This year, FLOC is again offering elective workshop units to our Middle School Scholars Program. These electives are designed to introduce students to a variety of topics in new ways.
Jessica Kaushal currently serves as a postsecondary coach in the Scholars program where she is matched with a twelfth grade scholar to provide support on his journey towards a postsecondary education.
On Monday, October 12th, with a day off school, FLOC Scholars participated in a Mock Trial event at the Wilkie Farr & Gallagher, LLP, law firm. Separated into defense attorneys and persecutors, Scholars had to argue different sides of a case, using only their words, logic, and the limited supply of evidence that was available.
It’s back to school time, which means it’s prime volunteer recruitment season here at For Love of Children. Here are just a few reasons you should volunteer with us in 2015-2016.
The Scholars Program had an eventful spring filled with exciting workshops and field trips. The sixth grade Scholars participated in workshops about leadership and identity. Students enthusiastically identified qualities of a good leader and provided examples of leaders in their families and communities.
On Friday, April 17th, during DCPS and FLOC spring break, 8 FLOC High School Scholars had the opportunity to be lobbyists for a day. They began their Capitol Hill visit with a working breakfast, learning and discussing about the U.S. legislative system…
On Friday May 29th, FLOC held its annual recognition event at the Woman’s National Democratic Club to celebrate all the amazing work our students, families, volunteers, and staff accomplished throughout the year.
During Spring Break, the 11th Grade Scholars set out on an extensive college tour through Virginia and North Carolina. Visiting 10 schools in total, the students gained exposure to many different kinds of college and universities.
Gerald Mason currently serves as a Postsecondary Coach in the Scholars program. In this role, he is matched with a 12th grade Scholar to provide individual support on his journey to post-secondary education.
One of the greatest challenges that students face when transitioning from elementary school to middle school is organization. From switching classes more often to having a locker, students need support to ensure they are developing healthy habits that will continue for their entire life.
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You can be assured that (1) we will never sell your details, information, or consent under any circumstances and (2) we will never share your contact details, information, or consent with outside parties for marketing or promotional purposes (but may, when needed, share non-sensitive program-related information with programming partners, as needed).