For Love of Children (FLOC) provides out-of-classroom educational services to DC’s under-resourced youth to help students succeed from second grade to college and beyond. We serve over 250 students annually with the support of our dedicated volunteers. FLOC brings together students, volunteers, families, educators, and partners to teach, empower, and transform our community through education. 100% of our College Coaching Program Scholars graduated high school. We envision a city where every child’s potential is unlocked, regardless of circumstance, to have success in life.
One of the best small charities in the Greater Washington region.
Greater Washington Catalogue of Philanthropy
FLOC respects your privacy when it comes to your mobile information, your personal information, and your choices about text messaging/email contact.
You can be assured that (1) we will never sell your details, information, or consent under any circumstances and (2) we will never share your contact details, information, or consent with outside parties for marketing or promotional purposes (but may, when needed, share non-sensitive program-related information with programming partners, as needed).