(FLOC is recognizing outstanding tutors who have shown enthusiasm and commitment to their student(s) in a series of articles called “Tutor Spotlight.”)
On Saturday mornings, most people like to sleep in – but not Alisa Wilson.
Like many For Love of Children volunteers, she dedicates her time to tutoring. As a former mentor and girls’ basketball coach, she came to FLOC last fall after realizing that helping youth continues to be a big part of her life.
Alisa calls her tutoring experience at Randle Highlands Elementary, located in Southeast DC, satisfying and challenging – more challenging than she expected.
“The longer you’re here, the more you want your student to succeed,” she says. “It’s really fun to develop a relationship with my student. They let you into their life.”
While in college, Alisa tutored middle school students and recognized the value in going beyond their class work to understand math and reading concepts. Some math problems were difficult for her student, Donald, so she decided to try flash cards and found that repetition was helpful in improving those skills.
When Alisa learned that Donald was interested in black holes, she tailored the reading to meet this particular interest and asked him to read an article about the basic science of the phenomenon.
This is just one example of how Donald has learned a lot from Alisa, who has also learned a few things from him in the process.
“He’s taught me patience, to be more laid back and go with the flow, and that you can’t have an exact plan for life,” she says.
“Knowing that Donald is excited to see me every week – that gets me there. It’s all about brightening your student’s day.”
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