Over the past six weeks, FLOC’s Scholars program has been exploring social justice issues through our Civic Engagement workshop series. The four main social justice issues we have focused on are: Police Brutality, Gentrification, Immigration and Representations of People of Color (POC) in the Media. Middle and high school students are placed into one of the four classes to explore these topics in depth. The hope is that the students will begin to develop critical thinking skills through analyzing both the personal impact these issues have and the larger systemic structures that sustain these injustices.
It’s been made clear that our students have strong opinions about these topics and appreciate the space to share and have open dialogue with their peers about the issues that affect their lives. Each workshop has been jam packed with deep discussions, critical analysis, and storytelling while creating an environment where honesty and vulnerability are encouraged. The success of our first Civic Engagement workshop series has left a buzz of excitement for what future workshops can hold. We are excited to see how the series can grow and expand as we move forward.
(Jasmine Cornell is the Scholars Program Instructor for the 8th and 10th grades.)