FLOC programming has been having quite a year. As we begin to wind down we will soon begin to start post testing for our NTP student. Throughout this school year our students of the Neighborhood Tutoring Program have been putting in tireless work, with their tutors, to getting closer to grade level concept mastery.
Students that came in several grade levels behind are finishing much success in our testing room and finding the relationship between phonics, grammar and reading comprehension and seeing how math concepts on each other and work interchangeably. Last month, NTP completed a successful read-a-thon and awarded the winning site, Wednesday at Jubilee Housing, with an ice cream social. A lot of the students always get very excited during the reading portion of our language program, but when they realised that they could check books out from FLOC’s library and take them home they were beside themselves. Even after the read-a-thon was over the students still ask NTP coordinators if they can check books out. That level of excitement and engrangement is what all of this is about.
The City Leaders Program is also having a great year so far. Their off-site program at Stuart Hobson Middle School continues to stir up interest and usher in new students. They are also gearing up for the annual Fred Taylor scholarship awards dinners that will be hosted this year at the Pepco Edison Place Gallery. They also debuted they amazing documentary-style video completed by their arts cohort at this year’s fundraising breakfast. One of the biggest highlights from CLPs program this year, however, is the STEM project that a select group of FLOC’s middle school girls were able to participate in.
They spent hours constructing a website and working on their presentation about a career that they were interested in for the competition that they participated in at Bowie State University on May 4th, 2019. They were so dedicated that they requested for FLOC staff to participate and watch two different rehearsals so that they could be as prepared as possible. They each picked a career that
All in all, FLOC programming is continuing to thrive and showcase why the work we do is so important to the communities that we serve.