On December 17th, FLOC students and parents gathered at George Washington University’s Funger Hall for our annual College Night. After snacks, drinks, and conversation, everyone headed to a college fair. It was a joy to see our middle and high school students interact with our alumni and postsecondary students, who took time out of their winter break to represent their college or university. These empowering connections are the best of what FLOC has to offer. Students and parents alike left the event with more pamphlets than they could carry!
After the fair, students, alumni, and parents went to various workshops designed to prepare each of them for their next step on the path toward postsecondary and career success. These interactive sessions were based on this year’s theme: “Get Ready! Mapping Your Journey to Success.” These participant-driven conversations were facilitated by FLOC staff, helping to tie substantive information to the enthusiasm sparked by the college fair. Everyone went home with college brochures and workshop handouts to match their excitement and energy about getting ready for college… and also some special treats! We wrapped up the night with a raffle, giving away movie theater gift cards and more, and everyone left with candy for good measure.
Thanks to all who came and spent the first part of their holiday season with us at FLOC!
(Jasmine Cornell is the Scholars Program Instructor for 8th and 10th grades and served on the planning committee for this year’s College Night.)