Bee My Valentine
This post was written by John Wilt the Assistant Site and Sustainability Coordinator at For Love of Children’s Outdoor Education Center.
This post was written by John Wilt the Assistant Site and Sustainability Coordinator at For Love of Children’s Outdoor Education Center.
This post was written by Kamil Arrington the Recruitment and Outreach Coordinator at For Love of Children.
This post was written by Cassandra Degener the Senior Program Coordinator for the Scholars program at For Love of Children.
This post was written by Paige Clark the NTP Program Coordinator at For Love of Children.
This post was written by Morgan Markman the Scholars Access Coordinator at For Love of Children.
This post was written by Kamil Arrington the Recruitment and Outreach Coordinator at For Love of Children.
This year, thanks to the chesapeake bay trust, FLOC students had the chance to build a poond from start to finish at the Outdoor Education Center.
FLOC students enjoyed the annual Fall Fest at Butler’s Orchard on Fridday October 22, sponsored by our generous friends at the Meltzer Group.
Throughout the month of october FLOC was a hos site for DC’S Collage Application and Exploration month.
The following interview is of FLOC tutor Caitlin Romano who has graciously agreed to share her experience as a Tuesday Night Reading tutor in her second year with the Neighborhood Tutoring Program.
FLOC respects your privacy when it comes to your mobile information, your personal information, and your choices about text messaging/email contact.
You can be assured that (1) we will never sell your details, information, or consent under any circumstances and (2) we will never share your contact details, information, or consent with outside parties for marketing or promotional purposes (but may, when needed, share non-sensitive program-related information with programming partners, as needed).