What’s New with 12th Grade Scholars?

During the month of February, the senior Scholars have worked through the final components of the postsecondary application process with their coaches. The major focus of their Mondays together shifted from searching for colleges to searching for scholarships and other forms of financial aid. To support this work, we have provided workshops covering FAFSA, DC Tuition Assistance Grant (DC TAG), the Fred Taylor Scholarship, and the New Futures Scholars Program.

In preparation for some scholarship applications, FLOC asked the Coaches to MauraAyalahelp the Scholars outline essays and prepare a resume. Coaches have brought in copies of their own resumes to help students draft their own. We look forward to seeing the final product of their resumes when the Scholars submit their Fred Taylor Scholarship application later this year.

We have also continued to celebrate acceptance letters received by our students, our most recent one coming from Maura who received an admission acceptance from Dartmouth College.​

(Joseph Peralta is the Postsecondary Success Coordinator in FLOC’s Scholars Program.)

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