Thursday Nights at FLOC: Soundbites

Thursday night math program at FLOC has some of our most energetic and outspoken students. From the time they arrive in the student room to snack time to dismissal, our students are excited to learn and play with their tutors. I have had the pleasure of serving as site coordinator upstairs with our middle school and high school students. It has been a great experience watching them advance in the curriculum and bond with their tutors. Last week I asked a few of our students what their favorite part of program is. I was both surprised and amused by their answers…

“I love snack time and playing math games with my tutor. I also like when she [my tutor] lets me show her my new cheerleading moves.” -Nicole, 5th grade
“I like talking to my tutor and Felise and Ms. Queen… even when they tell me to get to work.” -Paola, 8th

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“I like trashketball. I like football. I like when my tutor or sub is young enough to play.” -Gerald, 6th grade

“I like playing Uno and Connect Four with my tutor. We get to play more when I pass a test, so I guess I like that too.” -Henry, 7th grade

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“I like the gifts we get from FLOC for Christmas, and I like talking to my tutor.” -Sanaa, 6th grade

(Felise Ortiz is a Neighborhood Tutoring Program site coordinator for 3 programs, including Thursday Night Math.)

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