Scholars in the Workplace – will you host a Scholar this year?

Each year, FLOC’s high school Scholars participate in the Scholars in the Workplace program.  This project aims to provide our students with critical career exposure to help them identify possible areas of interest, meet successful professionals in a variety of career fields and give them the chance to experience different workplace environments.  We’re currently working to round up a list of potential host sites for our students, and we hope you can help us.

Being a host site can include many different things, including taking the student(s) on an office tour or to a meeting with you, having them work on a sample project with you, having a conversation about your educational and career path with them, helping them with their resume and/or reviewing your resume with them.  Students can come for half a day or a full day, depending on your schedule.

If you or anyone you know (please feel free to share this info broadly if you think you know others who might be interested!  It’s basically the easiest volunteer opportunity ever— you don’t even have to leave your office!) the next step is to fill out our initial interest survey so we can identify whether we have students who are interested in your field.  This is an ongoing program, so we pair students with host sites throughout the school year and summer.  So while we may not get back to you immediately, we will be in touch as soon as we have a student who would be a good fit for your workplace.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our College Access Coordinator Kim Davis ( anytime.

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