Q & A with Summer Intern Meghan Crawford

(We are recognizing FLOC’s interns this summer by publishing blog posts about their experiences. Meghan Crawford was a Site Coordinator for the Math Program.)

Q: Where are you from?

A: Jamestown, Rhode Island

Q: Where do you go to school and what are you studying?

A: Furman University in South Carolina. I’m pursuing an Urban Studies major and an Environmental Science minor.

Q: What were your job duties this summer?

A: I was the math site coordinator. I offered tutor support, looked over lesson plans, and helped tutors and students with anything they were struggling with.

Q: What’s a favorite memory of the FLOC students?

A: One of the kids made up his own Mario Brothers game to math facts. That was pretty cool.

Q: What was something fun you did in DC?

A: I went to see the Rock of Ages musical with my 75-year-old grandmother.

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