Q & A with Summer Intern Eva Hoffman

(We are recognizing FLOC’s interns this summer by publishing blog posts about their experiences. Eva Hoffman is the Lead Site Coordinator for the Math Program this summer.)

Q: Where are you from?

A: Bayside, New York

Q: Where do you go to school?

A: I’m a rising junior at The George Washington University. I study political science with a concentration in public policy.

Q: How did you first become involved in FLOC?

A: I was a tutor in the spring of 2010 and then an intern in September of 2010. This past summer I became an AmeriCorps Summer VISTA.

Q: What is your job description at FLOC?

A: I’m the lead site coordinator for the summer math academy. I help coordinate student-tutor pairs and facilitate the curriculum with the students.

Q: What’s a challenge you’ve overcome this summer?

A: Learning to work with different styles of communication. I’m a direct person, so I try to be efficient but not lengthy.

Q: What are your plans after college?

A: Something in the nonprofit field, education policy or advocacy. I want to make a difference in the community person-to-person.

Q: What was something fun you did in DC this summer?

A: The Smithsonian Folklife Festival.

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