Q & A with Summer Associate Pavithra Chidambaram

(FLOC welcomes new staff each summer. In this miniseries, we are recognizing our summer associates and interns by publishing blog posts about their experiences.  Pavi Chidambaram is the Lead Site Coordinator for the Summer Reading Academy.)

Q: Where are you from?

I’m from Houston, Texas.

Q: Where do you go to school and what do you study?

I go to GeorgeWashingtonUniversity, and I study psychology and international affairs.

Q: How did you first become involved with FLOC?

I started as a tutor in the Language program in October of 2011. Then I started as a site coordinator in mid-October for the Tuesday Night Reading Program.

Q: What are your job duties this summer?

This summer, I run and facilitate the Summer Reading Program on Mondays and Wednesdays with Daniel. We accommodate tutor’s needs, track student progress, and find resources and materials that would be beneficial to students, and prevent learning loss.

Q: What’s your favorite thing about working here?

The staff is amazing. I don’t think I will find another job where the staff is so welcoming and fun to be around. Most people complain about having to work everyday, but I’m so excited to work.

Q: Do you plan to continue being involved with FLOC in the future? In what capacity?

Definitely. I’ll keep tutoring and try to work during the summers.

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