Sanari is an ambitious, outgoing high-school freshman, returning to FLOC in 2015-2016 for her fifth year of tutoring and her fourth year in the Scholars program. When asked about her favorite NTP memory, she responded, “I’ve had lots of good tutors… I really like my current tutor, Samantha, because she’s genuinely interested in getting to know me and talking about my life.”
All the years of tutoring are certainly paying off: Sanari has nearly completed FLOC’s math curriculum, an accomplishment that we are all proud of. FLOC isn’t all work and no play for her, though—years ago, Sanari met her now-best friend at FLOC. Today the two girls are inseparable. “We never would have met without FLOC, since we go to different schools,” she explained.
Sanari’s enthusiasm and great attitude have rubbed off on her younger sister, who also attends FLOC, and is now excited about tutoring as well. While she still has four more years until college, Sanari is beginning to consider several schools, while having a wonderful high school experience.
We’re thrilled to have Sanari at FLOC for another great year!