Giving Tuesday is Next Week!

Thanksgiving is coming up, which is a day that brings family and friends together to eat, watch football, and relax. Many people also give back to the community in the form of community service as well as charitable donations this time of year. Two commercial shopping days that take place this time every year are well known by now: Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but have you heard of Giving Tuesday?


Giving Tuesday is a day that is designated for giving back and it has become an important day for the nonprofit sector. Now in its fourth year, this year it will take place on Tuesday, December 1st, 2015.

Giving Tuesday was founded by 92nd Street Y, a Jewish cultural and community center in New York City, and the United Nations Foundation, which works on international issues around the world. Other Partners include Microsoft, GlobalGiving, (RED), Unilever, Univision, and MSNBC.

Nonprofits hope that Giving Tuesday will raise awareness about the great work that they do and increase the amount of charitable giving. Twenty to thirty percent of charitable giving occurs during the holiday season, and Giving Tuesday hopes to capitalize on the spirit of generosity once more next Tuesday, December 1st.

Using Twitter, Facebook, and other social media, Giving Tuesday aims to reach people who may not already be involved in philanthropy or volunteering. For more information on Giving Tuesday, take a look at the official video.

Interested in giving back to FLOC for Giving Tuesday? 

Find out how to become a volunteer at FLOC or consider giving a gift in-kind or a financial donation to FLOC.

(Jennie Krems is a FLOC Fellow with the Neighborhood Tutoring Program this year, serving as a site coordinator on Tuesday nights at the WNDC and on Saturday mornings and afternoons at our main office.)

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