A Paint Nite For FLOC

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Join us as we raise glasses and funds hardworking, successful, and committed FLOC! When you buy a ticket to this event, $15 will be donated DIRECTLY to FLOC. To date, Paint Nite has helped raise over $3.5 million for those in need with lively creative events that feel more fun than philanthropic, so join in on this party and support FLOC’s work here, right in DC. Feel good about giving as our local artists guides you and your friends through two hours of painting, drinking, and laughing ’til your cheeks hurt.

The best part? You’ll be helping FLOC and you don’t even have to be an artists, just a giving soul who likes to have fun while giving.

Register for Paint Nite here.

See you on June 6!




June 6 
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm






Exilies Bar (U Street)
1610 U St. NW
Washington, DC 20009 United States 
+ Google Maps


Register here!


Helpful information:

If you have any questions or concerns please call us at 202-349-3530



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