Deloitte Impact Day 2015

On Friday, June 5, we had eleven volunteers from Deloitte Consulting, LLP come to FLOC to participate in their international day of service: Impact Day. This was the fifth year that Deloitte and FLOC have partnered for Impact Day. The volunteers helped us with three projects during their day with us. After a quick breakfast and an overview of FLOC and our programs, the volunteers were ready to delve into the projects for the day! Two of the volunteers led a training session on Microsoft Excel for FLOC staff and AmeriCorps members. The other nine volunteers worked with our Deputy Director, Robyn on coming up with a communications plan for the new Fred Taylor Scholarship incentive structure. After lunch, some of FLOC’s postsecondary students and high school seniors came for a resume and interview-skills workshop. The students had the opportunity to go over their resumes with Deloitte volunteers and practice their interviewing skills. It was a successful and busy day! Thank you so much to the Deloitte employees who volunteered their time and critical thinking to FLOC!

(Kate Fleischer is the Development Assistant at FLOC.)

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