FLOC Teams Up With "Pretty Brown Girl" At J.C. Nalle Elementary's Octoberfest
Last month, we had an incredible opportunity to partner with the Howard University Chapter of Pretty Brown Girl, to organize a book drive for students at J.C. Nalle Elementary School in SE, DC just in time for the school’s Octoberfest!
Emerging from the national, social movement Pretty Brown Girl, the Howard University Chapter is a student organization dedicated to instilling self-confidence, pride, and leadership skills in girls on the Howard University Campus. As part of their work, Pretty Brown Girl engages with organizations in Washington, DC, offering invaluable support and community service. We’re so grateful that they chose to collaborate with us on this exciting book drive for J.C. Nalle Elementary.

For the entire of month of October, we held a book drive and collected a diverse selection of children’s books that included titles like, “The ABC’s of HBCUs,” “Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls,” and “Dealing with Dragons.” At the end of the month, we gathered all of books and joined students and families at J.C. Nalle Elementary for their Octoberfest.

We had such a great time meeting families, giving out books, and seeing all the students in their festive costumes! Our Program Manager, Ashley Johnson, represented FLOC at the event. She shared resources and information about FLOC’s tutoring program with families and school personnel. The connections we’ve established with current students in our tutoring program from J.C. Nalle Elementary has been a rewarding experience so through this exposure, we hope to welcome more students from this school in the near future!

Thank you to the student leaders of “Pretty Brown Girl” for helping to make this book drive happen! As we look ahead, we’re thrilled about creating more partnerships with organizations in our community and continuing to spread the word about FLOC. Working together, we can truly make a huge impact in the lives of DC students.